Static Class
A static class is basically the same as a non-static class, but there is one difference: a static class cannot be instantiated. That is, we cannot use the new keyword to create a variable of the class type. We can access the members of a static class by using the class name itself.
Abstract class
We cannot implement an instance of an abstract class; however we can implement methods, fields, and properties in the abstract class that can be used by the child class
privatevoid button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int a1, b1,s;
//creating instance of inherited class as object of abstract class
abs objAbs = newa();
a1 = 5;
b1 = 10;
//calling inc() method of static class
a1 =;
//calling sum()
s=objAbs.sum(a1, b1);
MessageBox.Show("Total no. of time inc called :" + stat.count.ToString());
MessageBox.Show("Sum: " + s.ToString());
Static Static class
//creating static int variable
publicstaticint count=0;
//creating static method
publicstaticint inc(int x)
x += 10;
return x;
Abstract class
publicabstractint sum(int x, int y);
//class inheriting abstract class
publicclassa : abs
//overriding abstract method of inherited abstract class
publicoverrideint sum(int x, int y)
return (x + y);
Screen shots
Samuel Fernandes
26-Jul-2017It was really helpful to read this post.